Ecotourism, sustainable tourism, tourism that supports and improves the environment, respects local culture, and upholds economy and lifestyle in the destination is a guideline for our agency. Your decision to book Your vacation through our agency Mare Tours means You chose a local agency that works with people who are mostly permanent residents of the island and live here all year long. Our accommodation capacities are mostly owned by local families. In that way, we make it possible for our guests to get to know the place and the people...
We shall be glad to inform you about local and home-made products, authentic souvenirs, places (bars, restaurants...) that are opened all year long, recommend you licensed local guides... In that way, all of us support tourism that enables our guests to have a genuine experience and strengthens respect for diversities... We consider such type of tourism to be sustainable and we think it is for the well being of the local community and our guests. Welcome to the eco island of Krk!

What you can do for sustainable tourism?
- get to know the destination, local customs, etc by internet or guidebook before You take Your journey, pay attention to local people, their culture and customs
- try to learn several words in local language/dialect
- respect the wildlife, animals, plants and nature while hiking or taking a walk and do not in any way damage drystone walls, make sure You closed entrances to enclosed areas surrounded by drystone walls when you enter/exit (those are used by locals for sheep-breeding), pay attention and respect the landscape, plants...
- make sure that You don`t leave any garbage behind you while in nature, sort it out for recycling
- rationalize the use of water
- reduce the use of electric energy whenever possible. Especially pay attention not to unnecessarily leave the air conditioning on while not in the room/apartment or use it while doors and windows are opened
- buy locally made organic food whenever possible. Especially - walk more while on vacation
- listen to music quietly not to disturb the others and take account of your mobile phone ringing
- use local guides and local accommodation capacities whenever possible
- ask for permission before taking somebodies photo

Ecologically protected areas on the island of Krk & surroundings
Act with ecological awareness and contribute to the preservation of the island of Krk as an area of exceptional biological diversity. The Island of Krk has around 1500 plant species. For experiencing breathtaking nature and landscape, we especially recommend hiking paths that are abundant all over the island.
There are several eco-protected areas on the island.
- ornithological reserve Kuntrep: part of the Island stretching from cape Glavina to Mala Luka cove (coastal area ca 1 km wide)
- special botanical and zoological reserve: the island of Prvic with its coastal area and sea bed and Grgur channel
- special reserves of forestal vegetation: the island of Košljun and Punat cove, Evergreen Oak (Quercus ilex) forest near Glavotok and park Dubec in Omišalj.
Use the opportunity to take an excursion (organized or by yourself) to enjoy the amazingly preserved and diverse natural riches of Kvarner and Croatia.
In that case, we recommend the following destinations for daily excursions from Krk:

Dolphins in the Krk waters
In aquatorium between the island of Krk, Cres and Mali Lošinj lives a unique colony of dolphins – a “common dolphin” (Delphinus delphi) and a “good” dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Check out the code of conduct when you encounter those lovable animals.
- Don’t chase the dolphins or drive your boat directly towards them.
- If you wish to approach the dolphins, do it very slowly, keeping parallel to their course and avoid sudden changes of direction or speed which could confuse or disorientate them.
- It’s better to give them the choice of approaching you. The motor should be maintained in neutral or switched off.
- Don’t make sudden noises, especially with the engine as these could alarm the animals.
- Ensure that no more than one boat is within 100 meters from the dolphins or three boats within 200 m.
- Don’t stay with the dolphins for more than 30 minutes
- For your safety and theirs avoid diving or swimming with them, never offer them food or try to touch them.
- Leave the area accelerating gradually when the boat is more than 100 m from the animals.
- Don’t throw litter overboard or leave it on the beach; plastic bags can accidentally be swallowed by the dolphins, causing their death.

Krk fauna
Island of Krk, Kvarner region and the whole of Croatia is home to numerous animal species. Did you know that there are 23 autochthonous reptile species and 7 amphibian species on Krk? That makes Krk the richest of all Mediterranean islands on herpetofauna!
Krk is also proud to be home to 220 bird species. Of 114 European species that are considered to be endangered, 83 species are coming to Kvarner. The best known endangered bird specie is griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) – who nests on some parts of Krk and Cres.
We thank you in advance for contributing to the preservation of nature and sustainable development of the destination with Your responsible behavior.